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Loading Custom Themes

Currently there's two ways to load themes using aroma


What you need

  • SDCafiine Plugin
  • A patched Men.pack, Men2.pack or cafe_barista_men.bfsar
    • If you do not have a patched menu file, follow Patching


  1. Download and extract the .zip file and copy the sdcafiine.wps file to SD:/wiiu/environments/aroma/plugins.

  2. For SDCafiine to load the files, you will need create the following folders:

    • Create an sdcafiine folder in your wiiu folder on your SD card.
    • Inside the sdcafiine folder create a folder with your Wii U Menu's title ID. This will vary on your consoles region:
      • USA: 0005001010040100
      • EUR: 0005001010040200
      • JPN: 0005001010040000
    • Inside your title ID folder, create a folder with the name of your theme.
    • Create a content folder inside your theme's name folder.
    • Create a Common folder inside your content folder.
    • Create a Package folder inside your Common folder.
    • Place your modified Men.pack and Men2.pack files inside of the Package folder.
    • Create a Sound folder inside your Common folder.
    • Create a Men folder inside your Sound folder.
    • Place your modified cafe_barista_men.bfsar file inside of the Men folder.
  3. Your final paths should be

    • sd:/wiiu/sdcafiine/[TITLEID]/[ThemeName]/content/Common/Package/Men.pack, Men2.pack
    • and
    • sd:/wiiu/sdcafiine/[TITLEID]/[ThemeName]/content/Common/Sound/Men/cafe_barista_men.bfsar


Insert your SD card into your Wii U and boot into CFW.

A screen like this will pop up

Image title

Select your theme with the A button


Your theme should now have loaded


If you want to use custom fonts, follow Fonts

  • If you're stuck on a black screen follow Black Screen

  • If your console freezes on the Wii U Menu loading screen follow Freezing

  • If your theme didn't load and it's showing the stock one follow Theme not loading


Credits to for some of the information in this page


This is an Aroma plugin to safely apply custom themes!


No system file is modified by this plugin.

What you need

  • StyleMiiU-Plugin
  • A patched Men.pack, Men2.pack or cafe_barista_men.bfsar
    • If you do not have a patched menu file, follow Patching
If you used an older version of this plugin

If you happen to have installed an older version of this plugin, delete the previous theme_manager.wps and rename sd:/wiiu/environments/aroma/plugins/config/theme_manager.json to style-mii-u.json


  1. Download the stylemiiu.wps file and copy it to SD:/wiiu/environments/aroma/plugins.

  2. For StyleMiiU to load the files, you will need create the following folders:

    • Create a themes folder in your wiiu folder on your SD card.
    • Inside the themes folder, create a folder with the name of your theme.
    • Create a content folder inside your theme's name folder.
    • Create a Common folder inside your content folder.
    • Create a Package folder inside your Common folder.
    • Place your modified Men.pack and Men2.pack files inside of the Package folder.
    • Create a Sound folder inside your Common folder.
    • Create a Men folder inside your Sound folder.
    • Place your modified cafe_barista_men.bfsar file inside of the Men folder.
  3. Your final paths should be

    • sd:/wiiu/themes/[ThemeName]/content/Common/Package/Men.pack, Men2.pack
    • and
    • sd:/wiiu/themes/[ThemeName]/content/Common/Sound/Men/cafe_barista_men.bfsar


A step to step guide on how to use it:

  1. Open the WUPS menu (L + ↓ + SELECT) and enter the StyleMiiU menu. Make sure StyleMiiU is enabled, otherwise it won't do anything.
  2. Enter the Available Themes option and you should see the folders that are in SD:/wiiu/themes/ (Or SD:/wiiu/sdcafiine/ in case no themes folder exist), showing up empty if no theme is present. Once there, set whatever theme you want to Current Theme. If no theme it's set, the Wii U's default home menu will be loaded.
  3. Once you exit the WUPS menu, the Home Menu should restart and once it gets restarted, your Home Menu will now have the theme you chose applied to it.


Your theme should now have loaded


If you want to use custom fonts, follow Fonts


If your theme didn't load / the console is loading indefinitely, you can follow Loading Indefinitely

Additional options:

  • Shuffle themes: This option tries to mimic the 3DS' option of shuffling themes, you can use it by simply activating the option and then in Available Themes, select the themes you want to shuffle through. The themes will change every time you restart the console. If you disable this option, then the last theme you selected will become the default theme for it to fallback on.


This plugin is only compatible with SDCafiine's folder structure, meaning that you have to put every file on it's corresponding folder. Usually themes will load from SD:/wiiu/themes/ but, if it detects valid themes in the SD:/wiiu/sdcafiine/ folder and SD:/wiiu/themes/ folder exists, it will load the themes from the SDCafiine's folder.