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Menu Files

First, we need to obtain the menu files, there's a few ways to do it


What you need

Now depending on your operative system select a ftp client:

  • Windows: Winscp
  • MacOS: cyberduck
  • Linux: Nautilus or Dolphin, the file explorers for GNOME and KDE respectively - if not usable, use gFTP instead
  • Android: File Manager


  • Use the IDS below on step 7, the folder name will change depending by the region of your console.
    • USA: 10040100
    • EUR: 10040200
    • JPN: 10040000

Step by step guide

  1. Turn on your console without any custom theme. (This will cause issues when getting the files we need.)
  2. Press L + DPAD Down + Select and search for FTPiiU Plugin.
  3. Press Settings and enable everything.
  4. On your PC open the ftp client.
  5. It will ask for your Console IP and Port Number you can see this details on your console. This is a local IP address, so it doesnt matters.
  6. It will ask for a user and a password leave it in blank, just accept.
  7. Now navigate to storage_mlc > sys > title > 00050010 > (This depends on the region of your console) > content > Common > Package
  8. Select Men.pack and Men2.pack then press Download.
  9. It will ask for a place to download the files, but it's recommended to create a specific folder to save the content.
  10. Now we will do the same but with cafe_barista_men.bfsar, Go back and then navigate into Sound > Men
  11. Download cafe_barista_men.bfsar


You can now go to Patching

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Credits to for some of the information in this page


This is useful in case you lost your original Wii U menu files

What you need

Getting the Wii U Common Key

Drag and drop your otp.bin into the Wii U Common Key Extractor

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Copy the Common Key

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Setting up JNUSTool

Open the JNUSTool folder and open config, then replace [COMMON KEY] with the common key we previously copied


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Running command

Make a command.bat file inside the JNUSTool folder and paste this

@echo off
set /p id="Please enter the Region ID: "
java -jar JNUSTool.jar %id% -dl

Run the command and type the region ID

  • USA: 0005001010040100
  • EUR: 0005001010040200
  • JPN: 0005001010040000

Example with USA region

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Saving files

Go into "root/content/Common/Package" and download the Men.pack and Men2.pack

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Go into "root/content/Common/Sound/Men" and download cafe_barista_men.bfsar


You can now go to Patching

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